50Plus Club

Canada\'s community for everyone over 50 looking for love, friends and adventures!

50Plus Club Reviews

    50plus is a rip off/scam

    I paid for the premium membership in order to meet people online. This is an online dating service. I noticed far too many deletions/blocking of other members on the site. I sent an email regarding this issue and was told that Emma (administrator) blocks spam/banned members. The problem with this explanation is that almost every person who responds to my profile is banned/blocked and explained off as spam/banned members. I inquired about getting a refund for their scam service and never received a response back. I have inquired several times and according to their site-they respond within 3 business days. They are intentionally ignoring my emails and complaints. They refuse to allow other members to respond to my profile and refuse to refund my money. I am going to put my reviews about 50 plus on every site I can find.

    Your site for cross-border consumer complaints.
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    OMB# 3084-0047
    The estimated average amount of time to complete the form is 5 minutes.
    Complaint Confirmation
    Thank you. Your reference # is 57567998.
    You have submitted a complaint via the online complaint form and it has been entered into our complaint database. You can access it to update or correct it by contacting usand identifying your complaint by its reference number.
    What to Expect Next:
    The participating enforcement agencies will use the information in your complaint to spot new trends, uncover new scams, and target suspect companies and individuals for law enforcement actions. It may help to ensure that others are not victimized in the way that you have been. You should know that submitting a complaint to this system WILL NOT necessarily trigger an obligation for any participating agency to investigate your complaint on your behalf.
    Ways to Resolve Your Complaint:
    In addition to reporting your complaint to consumer protection agencies, you may want to try to resolve it through alternative dispute resolution (ADR). ADR can be a fast and convenient way to resolve disputes without going to court. For that reason, the econsumer.gov members have compiled an directory of ADR providers throughout the world that may help you resolve your cross-border dispute.

    econsumer.gov is an initiative of the International Consumer Protection and Enforcement Network (ICPEN). ICPEN is a network of governmental organizations involved in the enforcement of fair trade practice laws and other consumer protection activities. Learn more at www.icpen.org
    Website Questions or Feedback?
    [email protected]


    I paid for the premium membership in order to meet people online. This is an online dating service. I noticed far too many deletions/blocking of other members on the site. I sent an email regarding this issue and was told that Emma (administrator) blocks spam/banned members. The problem with this explanation is that almost every person who responds to my profile is banned/blocked and explained off as spam/banned members. I inquired about getting a refund for their scam service and never received a response back. I have inquired several times and according to their site-they respond within 3 business days. They are intentionally ignoring my emails and complaints. They refuse to allow other members to respond to my profile and refuse to refund my money. I am going to put my reviews about 50 plus on every site I can find.

    Your site for cross-border consumer complaints.
    • About Us
    • Member Countries
    • Privacy Policy
    • Home
    • What You Need to Know
    • Complaint Form
    OMB# 3084-0047
    The estimated average amount of time to complete the form is 5 minutes.
    Complaint Confirmation
    Thank you. Your reference # is 57567998.
    You have submitted a complaint via the online complaint form and it has been entered into our complaint database. You can access it to update or correct it by contacting usand identifying your complaint by its reference number.
    What to Expect Next:
    The participating enforcement agencies will use the information in your complaint to spot new trends, uncover new scams, and target suspect companies and individuals for law enforcement actions. It may help to ensure that others are not victimized in the way that you have been. You should know that submitting a complaint to this system WILL NOT necessarily trigger an obligation for any participating agency to investigate your complaint on your behalf.
    Ways to Resolve Your Complaint:
    In addition to reporting your complaint to consumer protection agencies, you may want to try to resolve it through alternative dispute resolution (ADR). ADR can be a fast and convenient way to resolve disputes without going to court. For that reason, the econsumer.gov members have compiled an directory of ADR providers throughout the world that may help you resolve your cross-border dispute.

    econsumer.gov is an initiative of the International Consumer Protection and Enforcement Network (ICPEN). ICPEN is a network of governmental organizations involved in the enforcement of fair trade practice laws and other consumer protection activities. Learn more at www.icpen.org
    Website Questions or Feedback?
    [email protected]

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