Reviews from this user

No hookups to be had

Review about Fling69

This site is designed to play on the emotions of lonely people.
It promises hookups/meetings with local people.
When you start a conversation you need to buy coins (10 coins for $25)
Conversations are always designed to keep you talking to deplete your coins. When you ask someone to meet on another platform they always say they want to stay on fling69.
I did manage to go offline with 1 person who then tried to get me to invest in Crypt currency. I balked at that. They started a nice dialogue with me for days, and then they asked me to buy them a new iPhone (even though they had millions in Crypto currency).
All this venture did was get my hopes up only to get me to buy a bunch of coins and never actually meet anyone. heart breaking

The hope of meeting someone

Never meeting anyone and spending money on false hopes
